Swiss and Edam

Swiss and Edam are our two little black and white puppies.

Black puppies seem to always be overlooked. I don’t understand why though, to me, a black or black and white dog is the classiest and sleekest. They’re always dressed up and ready to party. Black also goes with any other color so you don’t have to worry about if you and your dog will coordinate when you go on walks lol! A black dog always looks cleaner and their slick, dark coats bring class to any event.

Reasons to own a black dog:

They’re always in style

their coats are sleek and stunning

They’re faces are deep and soulful

They match any decor

but most of all, they’re just as loving and sweet and smart as the brown, white, red and merle ones 🖤


Mini Aussiedoodles!


We’re Back In Full Swing!